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Avocado soup

150g IQF Avocado dices Lemon Juice Pepper Nutmeg 1 litre chicken or veg stock salt 2 egg yolk 300 ml cream sliced cherry tomatoes for garnish  Set aside some of the avocado dices and squeeze some lemon juice over them, this will be used as a garnish. Blend the remaining avocado with a small amount…
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August Crop!

The available crop this month! CHECK OUT the harvest coming in this month from all over the world. From the UK to China!For the information about the years rounds harvest go to our products page and click on the harvest calendar.KeyA = British IslesB = France, Belgium, Germany and HollandC = ItalyD = Spain and…
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Candied Lemon Slice

Handful of IQF Lemon slices 500ml water 500g caster sugar 1 vanilla pod split 1/4 teaspoon salt Sheet of greaseproof pape In a saucepan combine the sugar, water, and salt together. Bring this up to a simmer then add the vanilla pod Add the lemon slices and simmer gently until the rind goes slightly translucent…
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